Our mission has always been clear: to ensure the Temescal district thrives. In recent times, our district has faced unprecedented challenges, particularly when it comes to addressing crime. In response to these challenges we have taken steps to support our district by teaming up with the Oakland Police Department to help keep our district safe, holding and attending community crime meetings, and maintaining ongoing communication with our OPD Community Relations Officer who we invite to our monthly Promotions and Safety meetings.
Our day-day operations to beautify Temescal include removal of litter and debris, handbills, stickers, and posters. Power washing – hot spots, watering services – planters & landscaped medians. Graffiti removal from public property, weed control, illegal dumping – work with the City’s 311 program, special projects and limited landscaping. While cleaning remains the team’s first priority, our Ambassador teams also interface with, and support our mentally unwell and unhoused residents.
We create and utilize events, to engage with our district businesses and our greater community. We communicate through our website, newsletter, emails and social media. We hold annual events such as Taste of Temescal and the Temescal Street Fair, which bring attention and visitors to our district. We discuss and plan ongoing events at our monthly Safety and Promotions meeting.
Our Board of Directors is comprised of a small group of volunteers that make a big difference. The Executive Director (ED) is the only full-time position on our staff. The Director of Operations, Marketing Manager, Events and Administrative support are all part-time positions that support the ED and board to fulfill our mission.
And you? Come once, or more! Once you’ve attended 3 committee meetings you too can be a voting committee member. If you love it as much as we do, and want to become a board member you need to first serve on committee for at least 6 months.
We meet 4 times a month at the same scheduled time (unless it’s a holiday and new times will be posted on the website). All meetings are located at Temescal Works (490 43rd St.) open to the public and all are encouraged to attend. Meetings usually last 1-1.5 hours. We discuss current and future needs and projects, and have guest speakers join us when appropriate.
Meets the Fourth Tuesday of each month from 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Meets the Second Tuesday of each month from 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm.
Meets the Third Tuesday of each month from 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Meets the First Wednesday of each month from 9:30 am – 11:00 am
It all started back in 2004 when property owners voted to assess themselves an annual fee that would be used for maintaining and improving the streetscape, supporting businesses, and marketing the Temescal district (Telegraph Ave starting from 40th St. to 66th St, including portions of Shattuck Ave, 51st St and Claremont Ave.).The objective was to make the commercial district more pedestrian friendly for its residents, to build a sense of community, and to attract new tenants and shoppers.
Well, it worked! California BIDs have a lifecycle of 10 years, and in 2014 the TTBID renewed; which meant that the commercial and residential property owners along Telegraph Avenue and adjoining areas voted to renew the existing district (and to added three expansion areas Children’s Hospital, Telegraph from 40th to West MacArthur, and 40th St from MacArthur BART to Broadway).
Almost 20 years since it’s start, in 2024 Temescal continues to witness a surge in new residential, multi-unit buildings, resulting in increased community members who rely on public transit, walking, biking, and car-sharing. Many of our restaurants have also expanded their operations to include outdoor seating on Telegraph, creating a vibrant street scene in the lower part of the district. It’s no coincidence that Temescal’s restaurant and bar scene led to us being voted the 2023 “Best neighborhood for going out” by Oaklandside.
BIDs are important because they can create a platform for property owners, merchants, and residents to collaborate together to improve and enhance our district. They host events to celebrate our diverse community and fill in the gaps in dwindling City services. Ultimately, our mission is to advocate for the Temescal neighborhood as a thriving and sought-after place to live, work, and visit in Oakland.
The BID’s mission is to create, promote and nurture an engaging destination for Bay Area residents, workers, and visitors to experience Temescal. We do so through strengthening our thriving economic base of both longtime and new businesses, celebrating the diverse cultures of the District and its events, and enhancing Temescal Telegraph’s physical environment and public safety.
We believe in the future of Temescal while also celebrating our legacies from the past. We love our district and want to continue to help it thrive economically, aesthetically, and creatively.
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